Do we complain too much?

I have noticed that we as Omanis tend to complain about every little thing that happens here in the country, What's available, what isn't, what we want, what we don't. I must confess that I myself tend to fall into that hole every now and then, but thinking about it, I believe that we are simply not content, mainly the citizens of Muscat because we are starting to see what is out there in other countries, what we are lacking in and the fact that the country, despite it actually growing which is something no one can deny, but it is indeed growing very very slowly. Our eyes are open now that the internet is at the access of practically everyone and we can actually see and witness what's happening in the world, how people are actually living life and dare I say even enjoying it which is probably a foreign concept to most Omanis unfortunately because we don't really have much access to alot of entertainment be it a proper sport center? sport events? musical events? a proper theme park? Having said that I do believe that we do complain way too much and that perhaps sometimes it's necessary to take a step back and think about how much work gets put into everything, it might not be as perfect as we would hope for it to be, it might not reach our expectations but it's still a step forward. I am sure that eventually we will reach our goals and we will witness a lot more changes which will hopefully only be for the best (well maybe not much change in my life time - lol, yes I had to say that). I guess what I'm trying to say is that a little more positivity wont hurt and perhaps some patience should also be thrown in the mix because despite everything we do have a lot of opportunities in this country and we are for the most part living rather comfortably.


Luisa said...

look who's talking lol

Unknown said...

@Balqis: I already mentioned that I am guilty as well of complaining too much. Did you read the whole thing or just the title. ;)

Luisa said...

not even that