My first newspaper ad

Yeps, my very first one. The ad is part of the renna brand that I've been working on for almost a year now.

Special thanks to RealityCG for bringing me this amazing opportunity.


Blue Chi said...

Wow, a full page first ad! :P Congratulations!

Luisa said...

So cute
Mabrook :-)

Ali Hassan Al Lawati said...

greate work

TI3GIB said...

Too much cuteness for a telecom company. Show me a picture of rows and rows of server stacks and rack equipment with proper active cooling and neat cabling and consider me sold.

Unknown said...

Thank you all. :o)

Unknown said...

congratulations! nice illustration Nabhan. Did you do the identity as well? I like the typeface that's been used for the Arabic identity. it goes with the English version.

great stuff..

shmesa said...

very special ,Congratulations

loulouandsophia said...

Hi Nabhan - congratulations on your first press ad - no doubt there will be plenty more to come :-)

Sorry to try and contact you via your blog, but I'm not sure if you received the email I sent you last week - I love your illustrations and was wanting to know if you sold use of them? Obviously you would retain copyright and full use of them yourself, but I saw your drawings on the Deviart website and was incredbily impressed and would like to use them in my business. I have an online business selling personalised stationery, predominantly sold within Australia if that is possible. (I'm not a large company - the business is only me!!)

If you would like to view my website please do so at - I would be looking to use a variety of your illustrations across as many formats as they suited - notecards, notepads, to do lists, etc.

Please let me know if this is possible, and if so, what the cost would be per illustration.

Look forward to hearing from you.