I'm really excited about this years academy awards, there are so many big and well known names that are nominated and most if not all have delivered some really excellent performances. I am especially excited for 'Kate Winslet' as it seems to be her year after winning 2 Golden Globes. This is her 6th Oscar nomination so I'm hoping she's going to finally win. I watched 'Revolutionary Road' which she was just excellent in, and I hope I'm going to watch 'The reader' sometime within the next day or so (yes you figured it, I'm downloading a DVD screener rip of the movie because I don't want to watch the censored version nor do I want to wait for months for the original DVD copy to come out).
I am also hoping that Brad Pitt wins, this is his 2nd nomination only (his first being way back in 95 for '12 Monkeys') so it would be great if he gets it this time, though I highly doubt that's going to happen. But the Nomination most people are talking about is 'Heath Ledgers' Supporting actor role in 'The Dark Knight' which is without a doubt well deserved and the favorite to win this year, but Part of me is hoping that 'Robert Downy JNr' gets it for his excellent portrayal of a wannabe black guy in 'Tropic Thunder'.
To read about the rest of the nominations you can check out the list Here.
One last note, I'm going to watch 'The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button' tonight, I couldn't wait for it to arrive in theaters here especially after being nominated for 13 oscars. I want to see what all the fuss is about.
The Curios Case of Benjamin Button is an amazing movie. It's way too long and I hate long movies, but I enjoyed every single bit of it. Truly amazing.
Academy Awards have lost all relevance with me. The people who vote their are out of touch with the real world.
I admit I haven't seen any of the movies this year, but I do know that The Reader is a movie that hadn't been reviewed well and yet the so-called Academy shortlisted it, whereas Revolutionary Road which the critics raved about got skipped. The Dark Knight got shafted and was disqualified in the best original music category for the simple reason that the academy the number of musicians credited is more than what it allows. Who cares, is the score one of the year's best or not? Similarly, I can't understand why there are only three songs in the best song category. What happened to Bruce Springsteen's The Wrestler?
I must agree. It does seem promising for Kate this year. It should be interesting to know the outcome this year. Hopefully, I get to watch it on TV.
I loved hugh jackman throughout the whole thing, such a charmer <3
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