I have missed blogging

Hello everyone,

Yes yes, I know that I've been out of the blog community for way too long that I don't even expect people to read this. I've been busy with work and life in general, well maybe not busy to the extent it may sound, but I suppose I just lost interest in blogging or couldn't get myself around it. I am glad however to see other omanis still maintaining their blogs, specifically Muscati and Blue-chi, whom I must say are doing a great job in keeping it interesting and well worth the visit.

So much has happened during 2008, and I think I'll share some of the highlights in my next post. Hopefully you'll see much more of me around from now on.



Blue Chi said...

Hey Nabs, I *re-discovered* your blog by mistake. Glad to see you blogging again. Enjoy!

muscati said...

I thought you had quit blogging. Didn't know you had started a new blog.

Unknown said...

its not really a new blog, i just changed the name and layout. but yeah I had stopped for a while cause I started working and got busy with that.