Haters Everywhere And Hello To Everyone Else..

Yes, It has been so long since I last updated this place, actually I haven't even checked it in a really long time but today I decided to check things out and if anyone left me any msgs especially in the shoutbox only to find a bunch of hate comments calling me certain names. I can pretty much guess where these people are coming from (mainly the E.Sabla) whom are not happy with the way I deal with them over there so they feel the need to trash my blog because lets face it, it's the only thing they can do seeing that they can hide behind a false name and say what they want. If that is not an act of intimidation and cowardliness then I don't know what else is and I just end up feeling sorry for their parents seeing that they absloutely failed in raising their kids the proper way.

Anyways, I'm doing great, working now and doing what I always wanted to do so life is good. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the blog and in what direction I want to take it, I might just use it as a promotional tool for my work especially since many people (including my current employer) seem to find me through it so I guess I better keep it even if I don't update it as often as I'd like to.

Hope everyone out there is doing great and thank you for your patience and most importantly your respect.


Blue Chi said...

Welcome back to the blogosphere! Your feed has been died for a long time we thought you got hit by a bus or maybe committed suicide! :P

I think that you should make proper use of your blog as a personal branding tool.

Castelluca said...

welcome back! what a coincidence! i clicked on your blog link by mistake and to my delight, updates all over! :D

i think it's good you took off the shoutbox..people were being stupid.
(you took it off right? xD 'cause i can't see it)

lol anyway, i'm glad work is going well, good luck with everything. :)

Unknown said...

Yeah, I did take it off Nella, too many nasty comments for no reason at all, so I'd rather not have a shoutbox at all and if people wanna drop me a note then they can always add a comment.

Blue, yeah that's what I aim to do, and as you can see I'm still alive. :P

Thanks Blue and Nella for dropping by. :O)