While I was walking..

I took these pictures for fun while I was walking back from uni today . The last one is edited using photoshop to give it a more 'graphic' look.


NiGhTFaCe said...

The 1st picture looks like you were holding a book.

I didnt like the 2nd.

For the 3rd, I am not with that effect!

Anonymous said...

Did you have camel milk for sohor?

Unknown said...

lol..whats up with all the camel milk?

Najah said...

U know Sa7eb al-dhil al-6aweeel?!?! Judi Abot!!

nice pic i liked the last one...

Unknown said...

those are my crappy walking shoes. but they're very comfortable. :p

TripleTee said...

sheesh kabab... 3ad ma humungous jacket Nabs!! :p...
hmm... liked the first and last more... the 2nd's normal :\

Anonymous said...

Was it hot?

Unknown said...

tee.. the jacket isnt that big actually.


W. it was actually quite cold..even though the sun was out.