Random Pictures..

I was messing around with a digital camera and took some rather random shots , so here are a few of them :

my naughty niece
My very naughty niece , she didnt even sit still for a second , I was lucky to even get this shot.

fake candies

Fake candies! don't even ask. lol

my cds

I missed my CD case!

more cds

cassette singles

Some of My Cds and cassettes.

music videos

I used to love recording music videos (god knows why!)


NiGhTFaCe said...

All the little kids are like this.
I loved that Modjo's "Lady" at a time.

Unknown said...

Jawaher : yeah..mashallah she is , bas she never sits still. lol , she was probably looking at the phone in that picture and saying 'aloo' in her cute voice. :p

p.s : good to see u finally decided to start a blog of your own. ;)


Nightface : I still love that song very much.

TripleTee said...

interesting collection Nabs... had space for anything else? :p
I see u and ur niece have somethin in common :p ;)