I hate it , I really do..

Is it only me or does anyone else out there hate this new 'word verification' option that everyone is suddenly using?

How on earth can someone who's blogging around 2 or 3 in the morning read this :

The other day I posted this long comment in someones blog and when I wanted to post it I had to also type in the word verification , but it was so weird ( the letters were stuck to each other and twisted beyond imagination!) and so I entered the wrong word and my whole post was then lost , which of course made me forget about the whole thing and move on to another blog cause I just couldnt bother typing what i had in mind again.

Sigh! I miss the days when I just posted normally without having to strain my eyes in order to read a bunch of twisted letters.

Oh well.


Listening to : Gaelle - Repetition


Sowhat said...

same here walla :( why they are makiing it sooo diffuclt three letters are enough

Kay said...

i agree, the other day the same thing happened to me and i just said daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaf.

Ancient Poem said...

The positive thing about it that is our blogs finaly got rid of many bunch of spammers.

NiGhTFaCe said...

Haha, you cant really type the correct letters NaBHaN :p

That day you were complaining about spammers, so this is a way to stop them from posting!

I set the option to be ON in my blog, everyone should do the same, if they face problems with spammers! ;)

Unknown said...

I don't understand the concept of it. If you just disable anonymous posts then wouldnt that stop spamming as well? I mean what is the point of the whole word verification option? :os

NiGhTFaCe said...

Spammers got blogger accounts, where it means they will post as a Blogger & not Anonymous.

That option of word verification will stop them, because these spammers are not people behind the computers, its a like a software or code that post randomly in blogs.

Arabian Princess said...

exactly like NF said, it stops spammers .. they are everywhere now and I find it annoying when I come to check a comment and it turnes out as a spam!

Unknown said...

Oh okay , I get it now. I thought that they were actual people who did the spamming. That makes more sense then.

But it's still very annoying. I mean cummon , I have everything enabled and I don't really get that much spams , and I just delete it once I get them. I think disabling the anonymous comments is really more than enough.

Namika said...

Nabs, you make it sound hard :p It could be annoying a bit but its fine with me. As long as it stops spammers. And weird when I enter a wrong word my post does not disappear, they just give me another word to enter and then post again..

Unknown said...

3ayal why did my post dissapear? *sobs*

blogger just hates me I guess. lol

Sowhat said...

to mee it looks liek killing a fly with a rocket !! a sophisticated code just to prevent a spammer !!

Sree said...

@sowhat: How else would you prevent a spammer?

You guys are hilarious! :P

Shula B said...

I know it has minor disadvatage, but you'll get uaed to it.

Sowhat said...

@sree by making registration difficult ,, adding codes and everything .. and if you want to add a code for posting make it simple ..those codes ( as you can see )...

TripleTee said...

lool... if it was true spammers were actual ppl, they must be bored out of their own lame lives to spread such things... I start gettin them too...
so far I haven't come across these 'word verifications' though... but then I agree it would be pretty annoying... should be a better way :\

arooj said...

ur blog is cool... heheh am a new blogger so it Fascinated me...

anyway... thanks for bringing the topic about those stupid stuck letters... i mean somtimes it wont let u through cuz u didnt know whether the "P" was capital or not...

anyway i really want to know whats the reason behind those stuck letters!?!? is it a pixel based problem that needs to be solved!?!?